OM Mantra Chants — 1111 Times | OM ~ OM ~ OM. The Sound That Reverberates across the universe. The Sound which brings beauty to every cell of our body. AUM or OM, no matter how you write it, its the inner sound of cosmos. And what happens when you chant OM 1111 times. The number which represent the gateway to immense positive energy, gateway to the angels, gateway to the cosmos. Something beautiful and powerful at the same time. According to numerology, the number 1111 possesses the qualities of patience, honesty, spirituality, sensitivity, intuition, and idealism and you combine that with the amazing healing and calming powers of OM.
We recommend that you use this video as a tool, to spread positivity around you, You can also meditate along with this video and let it run in the background… Its best to run it completely so that 1111 chants are completed! Wish you Miracles!!! Wish you Infinite Blessings!!! Infinite Gratitude Always!!!
Сакральный звук «Ом» считается одной из самых мощных мантр. Он очищает ауру и ум, усиливает жизненную энергию. Чтобы мантра работала, в первую очередь следует пробудить ее шакти. Для этого требуется произносить слог множество раз.
Начиная медитацию, важно прочувствовать вибрацию и мощь мантры: звук «А» создается в зоне живота, после чего поднимается наверх, в грудной клетке переходит в «У», и в самом конце (в области головы) закачивается произношением «М», который медленно растворяется в зоне макушки.
Во время медитации биджу «Ом» следует читать в спокойной обстановке, где будет комфортная температура и ничего постороннего не отвлечет от процесса.
Рекомендуется сидеть в «позе лотоса», когда ноги скрещены и расположены на противоположных бедрах.
Руки при этом следует положить на колени, соединив указательные пальцы с подушечками больших пальцев. Глаза должны быть закрыты, а тело полностью расслабленным. Все внимание в начале медитации должно быть сконцентрировано на энергетическом центре в области межбровья (чакра).
Медитируя, важно почувствовать себя чистым и вечным Абсолютом. С этой мыслью должна вибрировать каждая клеточка тела. После медитации рекомендуется расслабиться в позе «Шавасана» (лежа на спине).
Мантра «Ом» проясняет ум, раскрывает энергетические каналы, усиливает жизненную энергию, расширяет и очищает ауру.
Эта мантра оказывает очищающее воздействие и помогает сознанию подняться на более высокий уровень.
Сосредоточенность при произнесении этой мантры устраняет все препятствия на духовном пути, разум становится спокойным и умиротворенным.
Мантры — это специально созданные заклинания, обладающие огромной силой. У них есть безграничная духовная энергия, которая помогает концентрироваться во всемогущем. Предполагается, что мантры произносятся так, что они создают божественные вибрации. Эти вибрации звучат во вселенной и приносят нам душевное спокойствие и счастье, когда мы поем их.
Идеальное количество повторений – 108 раз (108 — священное число), но для этого нужны четки. Начинающим можно делать меньшее количество повторов, но оно должно быть кратно трем (3, 6, 9, 12…). Чем чаще повторять, тем эффект будет сильнее.
Чтобы не сбиться при счете количества раз рекомендуют использовать четки.
Четки не только позволят не сбиться со счета, но и помогают лучше сосредоточиться на мантре и ее сути, ко всему прочему, во время пения мантр, четки заряжаются мощной энергией и могут служить отличным талисманом.
Великая Мантра Ом Мани Падме Хум. Тибет. Мантра Спасения Души
#МантраЗдоровья Мантра Исцеляющая Болезни
Мантра Танцующего Шивы. Мантра Шива Натараджа Дарует Силу, Энергию, Процветание и Успех в ДелахЗнаменитое Горловое Пение Тибетских Монахов. Мощная Мантра Очищения.
#МантрыЧакр — ЛАМ, ВАМ, РАМ, ЙАМ, ХАМ, АУМ, ОМ. Активация Всех 7 Чакр
Мантра Праджняпарамиты. Самая Известная Защитная Мантра. Сутра Сердца Совершенной Мудрости.
Мантра Харе Кришна. Hare Krishna Mantra. Мантра Творящая Чудеса. Энергия Всевышнего. Великая Мантра
Мантра Жизненной Силы. Сильная и Эффективная Мантра. Прана Апана Сушумна Хари
Исцеляющая мантра Gurujas Kaur Khalsa. Удостоенная премии Грэмми!
9 Золотых Мантр. Мощные Мантры для Медитации и Очищения Ваших Чакр, Души и Тела
Мантра Богатства, Изобилия и Процветания.
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Bahram was born in 1952 in the Kurdish city of Kermanshah in Persia.
As a child he heard the ancient Sufi melodies, which are the inspiration for his music today. At the age of 13 he learned to play the Santoor and started to perform at several places in his hometown.
In 1977 he left Persia, studied and travelled in India and later on in Europe.
Through playing whirling music for wanderers from different cultures, his style has changed from the traditional approach to his own. He melts old songs into a new form, creating a meditative sphere, to uplift body and soul. Bahrams instrument is the Persian Santoor, a traditional string instrument, which is said to create the sound of emptiness.
Besides the Santoor, he started to play the Persian Settar and the Ney; a Persian bamboo flute.
He also started to sing songs using the words of mystical poets like Rumi.
His first album «Sama» was released in 1997 in Holland where he lives now.
After living and performing in India for a long period, he discovered the island of Ibiza in 2003.There he met many other musicians, DJs and producers who inspired him to change his style. In 2004 he made the album «Call of the Mystic» together with different musicians in an ethno/ambient style.
The past 3 years he has been playing and recording in Ibiza during summer and spending the winters in India, performing, recording and getting inspired by Indian and other musicians.
His music is a special combination between the ancient and traditional, connecting with the modern and technical. Most of the lyrics of his songs are based on Rumis and other mystical poetry, the tracks carry an urban vibe rooted in meditation.
Fusion is the word to describe this music, but actually a new word needs to be found, because he has taken it to a whole new level. It has the energy to carry a power flow. The length of the songs allows a deep, slow driving bass line to hypnotize you as the melodic Santoor and other instruments carry you to other places. Yet this is not meditation music, it has incredible energy. Bahramji and friends have made not only a great listening experience but also have created something magical.
This track also features Maneesh de Moor. He lives and works in Amsterdam. An accomplished keyboardist, composer, and producer, de Moor has collaborated with Deva Premal, Praful, and Prem Joshua, and specializes in the crossover between ethnic and popular music—between natural and electronic sounds. You can find out more about him at
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00:00 Celestial Medicine
07:20 Blinkers Removed
15:20 Tara
23:47 Harmony Of The Universe
32:30 Black In White
38:25 Calm With Me
46:20 The Continuum
53:58 Shadow Of Breath
The second album is produced in 432hz tunning and features sampled speech from Acharya Rajneesh. As a world healer, his teachings are deep and profound. The album aims to deliver these messages and reach out to the people who are of that vibration.
Than for the first time you look around
And the beauty nature is revealed
Then you listen to the harmony of the universe
The symphony of the stars
Than everything starts to become more and more beautiful
Layers and layers of beauty are revealed
You eyes have a penetrating force
Wherever you look
You go deep
Even in rocks
You feel flowers blossoming
What you are
In this vast universe
Not even a small cell
If you listen to the ego
The ego will put you again and again
On a neurotic path
The path of being somebody
For your real being no competition is needed
You are already that
The highest
But man is very egoistic
He cannot feel at ease
Just to be himself
He wants some great mission
To be attached to his ego
I dont see any
The whole may have something
But no individual has it
Life you can live, as if you are in a hypnosis
That is how 99% people live
Or you can live with intensity, awareness
If you live life with awareness
You mature
A Mature ones, never dies
Because he will learn even through death
Even death is going to be an experience
To be intensively lived
Everything that is, is now
Everything that is alive is now alive
Now is the only time
The only eternity
Darkness does not exist
It only appears to be
In fact it is just an absence of light
Light exists
Remove the light
There is darkness
This moment is all
And my insistence is this
That you are already that which you are searching
A child is energy
Sheer delight and energy
Just jumping for no reason
And so happy
That even if you reached to the paradise
You will not jump like that
And he is jumping for nothing
Or he has gathered few collored stones
And is simply mad with delight
Be like a child
And always retain
The purity
Life is a river
A flow
A continues
With no beginning
And no end
It is not going somewhere
It is always here
Enlightenment is not something that you have to choose
When there is no choice
That which remains is enlightenment
The ego is afraid
It is saying
What are you doing
Loosing yourself
Listen to the gaps
Between the words
Listen to the emptiness
Between the lines
Listen to me not what I say
Then an understanding will arise
And suddenly like a flash of lightening
You will be able to see me
And the original that is right now happening before you
Music does not mean much
In fact it doesnt mean at all
Just sounds
But music gives you something of the unknown
Life seems just a shadow of breath
when breath disappears
Life disappears
So this phenomena of breath
Has to be understood
This is the way to live
One moment
Be in it
But be in it so totally
That nothing is left be to carried in another moment
Never carry on things from the past, it is gone
Every moment, be rid of it
Solved or not solved
Nothing can be done about it
Drop it off
Why this constant inquiry
What to do
Cant you allow life in any way
You can waste your life easily, with comfort
You can live comfortably
And you can die comfortably
With me, there is danger
Subscribe to the channel for upcoming releases. Thank you!
We are happy to share this professionally filmed and recorded video of Krishna Das singing «Om Namah Shivaya» live with you! There are lyrics in the video too, for you to sing along!
This video was shot in New York City at the Church Of St. Paul
All materials on this profile are uploaded for noncommercial reasons and Im not the owner of them. I do my best to mark them with proper description which leads to authors of music, pictures or videos they contain.
Owners of copyrights, before taking any steps please contact with me first.